Why should I register?


Membership Toolkit is the service that helps us connect with other Black Elk Families, stay up-to-date on school events, and coordinate our volunteer efforts—all online. The goal is to save time and work together more smoothly!


Once registered, you can:

  • Add your information to our Buzz Book, you decide what information you want to share with other Black Elk families and you can change what you share at any time
  • Access the Buzz Book, filter by grade, teacher, or search by name to connect with other Black Elk families for play-dates, party invitations, etc.
  • Access the app, look for "Membership Toolkit" in the app store
  • Search the Teacher Directory for your favorite staff member's *Favorite things* and wish lists
  • Find links to purchase a yearbook and spirit wear
  • Sign up to receive important communications
  • Volunteer
  • Donate
  • Gain access to content that is just for Black Elk families!